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8 Useless Household Items You Should Get Rid Of

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Old cameras

With the rise of smartphones, many people have old cameras lying around that they never use. It’s time to recycle them and free up some space.

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Treasured items

We all have items that we treasure but never use. If they’re just collecting dust, it’s time to let them go.

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Do you have gifts that you never use but feel guilty getting rid of? It’s time to donate them and free up some space.

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Makeup has an expiration date and can harbor bacteria. If you have old makeup lying around, it’s time to toss it.

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Garlic press

Most recipes call for chopped or minced garlic, not pressed; even when they do, substituting minced is fine.

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Exercise gadgets

Countless homes are littered with the dust-caked carcasses of New Year’s resolutions that never came to be in the form of so-called miracle exercise gadgets such as Thigh Masters, Ab Crunchers, and Shake Weights.

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Banana slicer

A banana slicer is shaped like a banana, curve and all, and a single push makes perfectly uniform slices — which would be great if bananas were always the same size and had the same curve.

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Do you have clothes that you haven’t worn in years? It’s time to donate them and free up some space.